About Broque

Broque.de represents fresh danceable electronic sounds and experiments from the surroundingfield of the „Oder auf Brot“ community. We release our music as mp3, but also on vinyl and CD. We hope you enjoy our stuff. And if you like to give us some feedback – we are happy about it.


Broque.de / Christian Kausch
Auer Str. 2b, 83707 Bad Wiessee, Germany
fax: +49 (0) 8022 9154182
tax ID 139/235/10162
facebook: broque

Christian Kausch | tend[at]oderaufbrot.de
technic/mastering: Heiko Schwanz | granlab[at]oderaufbrot.de
graphics/adverts: Thomas Gumprecht | ghood[at]oderaufbrot.de
texts/translations: Stefan Dietze | famitzie[at]oderaufbrot.de
webdesign : Moritz „Mo“ Sauer | mo[at]oderaufbrot.de