097 | olkaa – l’heure bleue

„“L’heure Bleue“ is not only the french term for the so-called „blue hour“, but also the title of our new EP on Broque. And, similar to Ingeborg Bachmann’s poetic depiction of the blue hour in her same-titled poem, Olkaa captures the magic of this short-lived moment where the night meets the day with his debut EP. Julien Combette, as our Lyon-based artist is called when he is not doing music, masters the art of piling layer after layer of melodic synths into a cinematic arc of suspense. No matter how you like to call his sound – shoegaze rave, electronica or even trance – the music entirely speaks for itself and embraces you in a captivating grip from start to end. With its multi-layered approach to build up melodies from simple hooks into a complex walls of sound brimming with harmonies, the EP recalls the music of yet another Frenchman, Erwan Castex alias Rone. At the same time, it shows glimpses of Julien’s history in rock bands, for instance, through simple yet effective trumpet- and guitar snippets contributed by himself. And it also speaks of his love of the border community sound (if there ever was such a thing). These five tracks make you wanna loose control on the dancefloor while at the same time wanting to ly down in the grass to watch soap bubbles and butterflys floating towards the blue sky. And that really is the best state of emotion music can evoke.


  1. ubralgie
  2. iiopii
  3. wool and fleas
  4. je suis pour
  5. trempette
  6. Download .zip-file


artwork by “Wi:R”, Wutha-Farnroda
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